4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.
1 Corinthians 12:4-6
Children are our most precious gift from God. The early years are important years in the life of every child, as they are growing physically and spiritually, learning academically, and exploring their world socially. Our children's ministry offers programs, activities, and events that are designed to encourage children to build a strong spiritual foundation in their lives.
Each Sunday, at 9:45am, children are invited into children's rooms equipped with qualified teachers in an age appropriate setting geared to engage children as we teach children what it means to be loved by God, to love God and to love others as we love ourselves.

During worship each Sunday we have a nursery open for children birth- pre-K. Children in elementary school and older are invited into the sanctuary to worship with their families. We invite your children to enjoy a "worship bag" full of ways to engage your children as they are surrounded by joyful worship. Also, during the service children are invited down front for a children's sermon.
Our children's ministry consistently organizes a variety of ways to spend time together to encourage one another, grow together in following Jesus, and enjoy spending time together. Stay updated through our social media outlets.
Please sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date about our upcoming activities.

The vision for FBCH Youth Ministry:
The Youth Ministry of FBCH will work to develop passionate worshipers, strong disciples, and students ready and able to give their lives away in ministry and mission.
We will work to develop students into disciples who know how to develop themselves spiritually
We will work to develop students who use their gifts, talents, and passions in ministry
We will work to develop students into full participants in the overall life of the church
Youth Bible Group Fellowship Sunday mornings at 9:45am and Youth Group meetings Sundays at 4pm (both in the youth room).
We also consistently organize a variety of ways to spend time together to encourage one another, grow together in following Jesus, and enjoy spending time together. Stay updated through our social media outlets.

Bible Fellowship Groups
At FBCH, we long to grow into a mature faith in Jesus Christ and to become mentors to others along the way. To this end, we focus on Sunday morning Bible Fellowship Groups where adults can gather in groups to grow together and to grow closer to each others. Through relationships with one another, it is our hope that each person grows stronger in the Lord throughout his/her life.

The Women’s Ministry at First Baptist Church Hillsborough was beautifully born of the Holy Spirit. Following God’s direction, we named the ministry LIFT, an acronym for Living In Fullness Together. It is our desire to grow in Christ, to give by serving Christ and others, to gather together in order to form relationships outside the usual church setting, and most of all, to glorify our Lord in all we say, do, and think.
Among our activities are two Bible Study sessions during the year, a Fall Session and a Spring Session. It’s a blessing to be taught by The Spirit as He grows us into true daughters of The King. We travel to different women’s events during the year and enjoy an extended period of time worshiping and learning with hundreds of other sisters-in-Christ.
Senior Adults
The senior adults make up a vital and active group in our congregation. In addition to Bible Study at 9:45 a.m. every Sunday, the seniors enjoy periodic fellowships and outings.
Soup & Sandwich Fellowship is an annual favorite scheduled each winter as a break from the winter "doldrums!!" Other events occur throughout the year to get folks together for fun and friendship.
A 3 day trip to Fort Caswell, the North Carolina Baptist Assembly on Oak Island, NC. Fort Caswell occupies the site of a former Civil War fort. Since 1949, when the Baptist State Convention bought the property from the federal government, Caswell has been an instrument of peace, offering NC Baptists and others a place of quiet reflection and relaxation.

The Chancel Choir is a group of young people and adults who love to sing and are committed to attending practice and coming early to rehearse and sing for worship on Sunday morning. We are accustomed to finely arranged anthems which proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and we are serious about doing them well.
Come and join us; we currently meet for practice at 7:15 pm on Wednesday evening and practice until we are prepared to share with worship on Sunday. We often prepare special cantatas for Easter or Christmas. Our current status finds us rebuilding our group and would welcome all parts but particularly need those who sing tenor or soprano. Y’all come to the choir room located behind the sanctuary. We are looking forward to greeting you!

Welcome House
Welcome House Hillsborough is part of CBF North Carolina's Welcome House Community Network, a collaborative missions program of CBFNC, CBF field personnel, partner churches and individuals that provides hospitality ministry to vulnerable neighbors across the state.
There are now 9 Welcome Houses in the Raleigh/Durham area and a total of 24 houses with Welcome House. We have never hosted a refugee family before. This is new territory for us. BUT. We know the Spirit of God is leading them to this work. We know how to make beds and stock cabinets. We know how to welcome someone into sacred space. We have each other and a whole network of friends to lean on, ask for help, and share wisdom
Our hearts are simply overflowing with gratitude, joy, hope, wonder, excitement and love. We are witnessing something holy take shape among us. Thanks be to God!
Community Grounds
Community Grounds is an area for the community to gather and enjoy conversation with delicious beverages and snacks.
As soon as you walk into the building the aroma of quality coffee welcomes you as do our greeters.
Latte's, espresso, drip coffee, tea, or hot chocolate are always availalbe.
Sunday mornings at 9am the space begins to buzz with conversation as everyone begins the week together!
Come join us!
Contact the church office to reserve the space during the week.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. -- Romans 8:28
For questions about our ministries please contact the church office (office@FBCHillsborough.org)